Our Crucifix Crusade

We are seeking donations of beautiful crucifixes for our “Crucifix Crusade” which is an initiative to give away crucifixes to as many of God’s people as possible.

The MORE Team, our outreach to young people of all ages, presents over one hundred retreats every school year to thousands of young people. One of the messages we regularly proclaim is, “If you ever need to be reminded how much God loves you, look at a crucifix.” Or, as Blessed Father William Joseph Chaminade references in his Letters and Legacy, “The greatness, the mercy, and the justice of God in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.”

As we share this message, we have become aware that many people (including some of the adults we reach) do not have crucifixes in their rooms (much less in their homes), so we would like to be part of the solution to that problem. If you can donate a beautiful crucifix (or several), we promise to get them into the hands of God’s kids – and we will encourage them to hang the crucifix in their room so that they can gaze upon it regularly to be reminded of Jesus’ great love.

There are several ways you can support this mission:

Crucifixes can be dropped off at the retreat center (place them on the front porch if you come by after hours or if the front door is locked).

Crucifixes can be mailed direclty to: The Marianist Retreat & Conference Center, PO Box 718, 4000 HWY 109, Eureka, MO 63025

You can purchase beautiful crucifixes for $10 each from EWTN and have them shipped to our retreat center directly.

You can make a donation via Venmo to @Paul-Masek – just be sure to put “crucifix” in the subject line and we will order them directly from EWTN.

By the way, any crucifixes ordered from EWTN (pictured above) are imported from the Holy Land, are made of olive wood from Jerusalem, and each one has a small piece of Bethlehem stone embedded in the cross beneath Jesus’ feet.

For more information about this project, contact Paul Masek, our program director: paul@marianistretreat.com

Oh, and if you are still reading…did you know about our Rosary Wall? It’s pretty amazing! And it’s another way that you can support our mission of bringing God’s people to Jesus through Mary.