Marianist Values & Mission
Marianist Values
Marianist Retreat Ministry (MRM) of the Province of the United States is diverse both in its geography and in its programming. The MRM is dedicated to the following Marianist values, which form the foundation for our actions and decision-making:
- Community: The MRM strives to build and support diverse communities, both lay and religious, in the Marianist Family. We provide ongoing programs to meet the spiritual needs of our guests (and employees).
- Social Justice: The MRM is inclusive and accepting of all God’s people. The MRM strives to cultivate a special love for the poor and marginalized, and allows for the sharing of our resources with them. We provide opportunities to educate our guests for service, justice and peace.
- Collaboration: The MRM requires collaboration among all of our retreat centers and promotes ongoing collaboration among the three branches of the Family of Mary as well as with greater society. We provide opportunities for our guests to experience our Marianist family spirit.
- Evangelization: The MRM strives to promote vocations to the Society of Mary, the Daughters of Mary as well as the formation of dedicated lay individuals and communities of faith in the Marianist tradition. We provide retreat experiences for our guests in the formation of faith.
- Education: The MRM strives to shape a hope-filled future by effecting change based on reflection and discernment. We provide integral & quality retreat experiences for our guests.
Marianist Mission
With Mary, we aim to engage in the religious, spiritual, and educational development of all God’s people.
More About the Marianists

Marianist History
The Society of Mary was formed in the wake of France’s bloody revolution (1789 – 1799). It was created to reawaken the Christian faith in a land where the Catholic Church had been battered and destabilized.

About MRCC
Our highest priority is to sustain the Marianist charism at our Retreat and Conference Center, even though the Marianists no longer live on the grounds.

Marianist Ministry
The Society of Mary is an international religious order of priests and brothers. More than 600 serve in the Province of the United States which includes India, Eastern Africa, and Mexico.