Donate to MRCC

Donate Now

Since MRCC is a 501(3)(c) organization, all donations are tax deductible. With your contribution to MRCC you will be participating in a work that is truly grand! Because of your generosity, we will all benefit.

You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity”

2 Cor. 9:11

Donation Form

We Are All Missionaries

Our founder, Blessed Joseph Chaminade, believed we are all missionaries. There are many ways you can partner in ministry with the Marianist Retreat Center to touch the lives of people in need of our services.

Outright and legacy gifts are a thoughtful and generous way to meet your personal financial objectives and enable the Retreat Center to help those in need, both now and in the future.

Planned Donations

We encourage you to consider the Retreat Center in your estate planning. Some ways to consider making a legacy donation to MRCC might include:

Making a Bequest of Your Retirement Assets

A retirement asset, such as an IRA account, makes an excellent bequest. If the IRA were given to your family, much of the value may be lost through estate and income taxes.

By designating a charity as the beneficiary of all or part of your IRA (using a beneficiary designation form provided by your attorney), the full value of the gift is transferred tax-free at your death and your estate receives an estate tax charitable deduction.

Other Deferred Gifts

  • Make the Marianist Retreat Center a beneficiary of your life insurance.
  • Gifts of appreciated securities can avoid capital gains taxes to your Estate.
  • Charitable Bequests, Can be a designated amount or a percentage of your residuary Estate.