Married Couple’s Retreat (2023)
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT – please consider joining us next year on July 12-14, 2024
All married couples – whether you’ve been married one day, one hundred years, or anywhere in between – are invited to attend our 2nd annual married couple’s retreat here at the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center the weekend of July 7-9, 2023.
Our retreat team is still working out the details and developing our theme, but it’s not too early to register; based upon the responses we had to last year’s retreat, we anticipate selling out!
Doors will open at 4 pm on Friday, the retreat officially begins with dinner at 6 pm on Friday night, and we will conclude at 10 am on Sunday. The cost per couple is $350, and we can accommodate 40 couples. The first 20 couples to register get dibs on a room with one queen bed, and the last 20 couples who register will be in rooms that have two twin beds.
We will offer large group presentations, opportunities for small group discussion, chances to chat with your spouse, communal prayer experiences, time for private prayer and recreation, prayer ministry with our retreat leaders, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Adoration, and Mass. Since we want this retreat to be what you most need, attendance at all sessions will be optional; please allow the Spirit to lead you! We will also conclude each evening with some social time, so please bring your own favorite adult beverages should you care to imbibe.
Our retreat leaders for the weekend are Barb & Larry Kendrick, Paul & Lisa Masek and Eric & Carla Struckhoff.
Barb and Larry are members of Incarnate Word Parish in Chesterfield. They have been married 42 years, have 3 children, enjoy traveling, Adoration together, and being grandparents to 7 beautiful angels. They enjoy watching their grandkids’ sporting events, having for sleepovers, and pool time. Barb is a volunteer here at the Marianist Retreat Center and Larry is serves on our retreat center’s Board of Directors.
Paul & Lisa are members of Incarnate Word Parish in Chesterfield. They have been married for 33 years, have four children, enjoy hiking & traveling, and love to laugh. Paul is the program director at the Marianist Retreat Center, and Lisa works at Parkway West Middle School for Special School District as a para – while helping here at the retreat center as her schedule allows.
Eric & Carla are members of St. Clement of Rome Parish in Des Peres. They have been married for 25 years, have 7 children, and enjoy evening walks, attending kids’ sporting events, and watching movies. Eric works in Information Technology for Spectrum, and Carla teaches theology at Chaminade College Preparatory School.
Our retreat leaders have already begun praying for you; please pray for them!
REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT – please consider joining us next year on July 12-14, 2024