Women’s Retreat 2025: The Jesus I Never Knew

March 7, 2025 at 7:00 pm - March 9, 2025 at 11:00 am

Please join us the weekend of March 7-9, 2025 for our annual women’s retreat which our retreat center is co-sponsoring with St. Alban Roe Parish. The theme is “The Jesus I Never Knew.” This weekend retreat will begin at 7 pm on Friday night (doors will open at 6:00pm) and will conclude at 11 am, after brunch, on Sunday.

We will be focusing on the Jewish roots of Catholicism – our roots – which will help us uncover gems of wisdom and personal insights to help us grow deeper in all of our personal relationships with Jesus and His Church. The retreat will include large group presentations, personal reflection, small group discussion, and prayer experiences including Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Our presenter for this retreat, Jackie Malt is a cradle Catholic who fell in love with and married a Jewish man in her early twenties.  This interfaith relationship has caused her to go on a journey in her faith that was unexpected but also made her fall deeply in love with her Catholic faith.  “I now understand the beauty of the Catholic church as the church Jesus founded.  I can clearly see the connection of our salvation history through our Jewish roots.”  She and her Jewish husband, Marty, have enjoyed 25 years of a faith-filled marriage grounded in the Jewish roots of Catholicism.  After earning her PhD in Health Promotion and Wellness, Jackie has turned her scholarly pursuits to better connecting the Jewish Jesus with the Christian Christ.  “I think, as Catholics, we often forget our Jewish foundation, but when we turn and look, our own faith journey becomes richer and more tangible.” This is Jackie’s first time being a speaker at a Catholic retreat, and she is excited to share her passion with everyone attending!

The cost for the this retreat is $250 per person, which includes all presentations, accommodations, four delicious meals (three on Saturday, brunch on Sunday), and the use of our entire retreat facility and beautiful, holy grounds.

Registration, along with additional details, will be available soon. For now, if you are interested, please mark your calendar.